Monday, November 19, 2007

"Art goes on in your head"

Damien Hirst's "For the Love of God",
sold for £50,000,000 (HK$770,000,000) in Aug 2007

最近忙到爆,剛有展覽Opening,緊接想到新idea起Fotanian: Open Studio做,改晒原本進行中的work,仲有諗定d work for遲d有人嚟拍嘢,預備之後幾個exhibition嘅material同proposal...
諗到好多新idea,好多時真係想諗完就做好,skip咗中間個execute process有人代勞visualize番件實物,想法同Damien Hirst一樣:

Hirst sees the real creative act as being the conception, not the execution, and that, as the progenitor of the idea, he is therefore the artist:

"Art goes on in your head," he says. "If you said something interesting, that might be a title for a work of art and I'd write it down. Art comes from everywhere. It's your response to your surroundings. There are on-going ideas I've been working out for years, like how to make a rainbow in a gallery. I've always got a massive list of titles, of ideas for shows, and of works without titles." (


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Minimum & Maximum-

Art & Design Show by 19 local artists & designers

Opening Reception at YY9 & 2b Square Gallery: 16 Nov 2007, Fri at 18:30-21:00
Exhibition Period: 17 Nov- 12 Dec 2007